Graphic Design

A range of graphic design projects created while attending Boston University’s Graduate Certificate of Graphic Design.

B.I.C Mock Ups

While also at BU I participated in a class creating advertisement mock ups for the Business Innovation Center. The proposed goal was to create a personal voice and brand recognition for the BIC. To achieve this I used the unique facade of the building the center was located in to create a recognizable image that stood out to the viewer.

Motion Graphics

A project inspired by the band Foals 2022 ‘Life Is Yours’ album, utilizing animation and illustration techniques through After Effects.


A series of posters on various subjects created with typographic elements, while also utilizing text as an illustrative form.

Collaborative Publication

In my final semester at Boston University, my classmates and I worked together to create a collaborative book. Together we created ten prompts which we could interpret and create from how we saw fit such as; texture, nostalgia, type, and more. These are just a few of my own pages, using mediums from watercolor to risograph prints.